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Principal Investigator
Giuseppe Di Labbio, P. Eng., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (he/him)

Giuseppe is a professional engineer and assistant professor of mechanical engineering at École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS). His expertise is pure and applied fluid dynamics, fluid flow measurement and instrumentation, reduced-order modelling, and mathematical programming. He received his PhD from Concordia University as a Vanier Scholar for his research on the fluid dynamics in the left ventricle of the heart with a leaking aortic valve. He pursued his postdoctoral studies at Polytechnique Montréal as a FRQNT/NSERC fellow where he studied the low frequency unsteadiness in laminar separation bubbles. Currently, his research group specializes in the study of highly unsteady flows, ranging from fundamental investigations to industrial innovations. In particular, they are pioneering the theory and applications of pulsed fluid jet arrangements. Some applications of interest are the use of pulsed jets to mitigate flow separation, to stimulate low shear mixing, to propel and maneuver aquatic vehicles and to shed light on certain cardiovascular and ureteral diseases.
Current Students
Fahimeh Goodarzi
Doctoral candidate (she/her)
To be completed.
Kyarash Mohammadi
Master's student (he/him)
To be completed.
To be completed
To be completed
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